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Clinical Pharmacology Training Course, 18 October 2024


Event Information

Clinical Pharmacology Training Course, 18 October 2024
Date of Event
18th October 2024
Last Booking Date for this Event
30th September 2024


A training programme collaboratively organised and delivered by the University of Cambridge and AstraZeneca in which delegates will learn about the discipline of pharmacology with lectures and case studies from world-class professionals, practitioners and academics.

University of Cambridge Students and Staff, whose department will be covering the participation cost, please liaise with your finance team to arrange an internal crosscharge via PO/Grant Code prior to using the booking link. 
Once arranged, please register under F: UoC Student/Staff Registration: Internal Crosscharge £300.

PO number or Grant Code is required during the booking process.

Self-funded University of Cambridge Students and Staff, please select relevant attendee category from options below.

Attendee CategoryCost   
A: Industry AstraZeneca/Alexion Registration£300.00[Read More]
B: Other Industry Registration£1200.00[Read More]
C: Other Academia Registration£600.00[Read More]
D. Cambridge Uni Hospital Registration£300.00[Read More]
E: Other NHS Hospital Trust Registration£600.00[Read More]
F: UoC Student/Staff Registration: Internal Crosscharge £300£0.00[Read More]

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