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CDH Cultural Heritage Data School

CDH Cultural Heritage Data School


Cultural Heritage Data School, In-person, April 2025


This iteration of the CHDS will focus on the theme of Data Preservation, exploring technologies and infrastructure for managing cultural heritage data. In an era where cultural institutions are often making their collections freely available online, questions around data provenance, data protection, and data security remain crucial.

Structured around the digital collections and archives pipeline, the programme covers the general principles and applied practices involved in the generation, exploration, visualisation, analysis and preservation of digital collections and archives.

For our full Data School programme see www.cdh.cam.ac.uk/DataSchools

Please select below the rate agreed by the CDH Administration team:

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Early Bird Registration£695.00[Read More]
2. Standard Registration£750.00[Read More]
3. Concession Registration£460.00[Read More]

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