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CSaP Annual Conference 2025


Our annual conference is designed for an audience of researchers and policy professionals working in government, industry and the third sector, and for anyone who has an interest in the role of research evidence to inform policy making.

Speakers and other contributors are drawn from our extensive network of policy professionals and academics who will present examples of how we are working together to address new and emerging policy challenges. 

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Early-career researchers (students and postdocs)£60.00[Read More]
2. Current Policy Fellows (recruited since April 2022)£135.00[Read More]
3. Continuing Policy Fellows and Policy Leaders Fellows£135.00[Read More]
4. Other government and academic attendees£170.00[Read More]
5. Horn and Dowling Policy Fellows£265.00[Read More]
6. Industry£350.00[Read More]

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