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Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies

Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies

Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies Annual Risk Summit 2025

Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies Annual Risk Summit 2025


The Risk Summit is an annual event run by the Centre for Risk Studies that brings together senior executives and decision makers from business, government and industry backgrounds, as well as researchers from different disciplines, to explore the current pressing issues in risk management. The Risk Summit is organised to include plenary sessions, research showcases and networking events including a formal dinner at one of the University of Cambridge’s colleges.


Risk Summit Rates:

Standard Rate: £75
Day programme and networking reception at Cambridge Judge Business School 

Student Rate: £30
Day programme only

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Standard Rate Registration£75.00[Read More]
2. Student Rate Registration£30.00[Read More]
3. UoC Staff / VIP / Board Member Registration£0.00[Read More]

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