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Cosmic Lighthouses

Cosmic Lighthouses

Cosmic Lighthouses: Astrophysical and Cosmological Challenges with Type Ia Supernovae 2025

Cosmic Lighthouses: Astrophysical and Cosmological Challenges with Type Ia Supernovae 2025


A meeting to bring together experts on SNe Ia progenitors and explosion physics, the relationship between supernovae and their host environments, and supernova cosmology.

University of Cambridge Students and Staff, whose department will be covering the participation cost, need to liaise with their finance team to arrange an internal crosscharge via PO prior to using the booking link. 
Once arranged, please register under UoC Student/Staff Registration: Internal Crosscharge. PO number or Grant Code is required during the booking process.

Self-funded University of Cambridge Students and Staff, please select relevant attendee category 1 or 2.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Standard Rate£50.00[Read More]
2. Student Rate£30.00[Read More]
3. UoC Staff Registration: Internal Cross-Charge (£50)£0.00[Read More]
4. UoC Student Registration: Internal Cross-Charge (£30)£0.00[Read More]

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