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2D TMDs 2025

2D TMDs 2025


Two-dimensional transition metaldichalcogenides (TMDs) possess extraordinary properties that have enabled fundamental and technological breakthroughs.

This conference will gather leading researchers from academia and industry to present and discuss cutting-edge research in the field of atomically thin TMDs and related materials.

The conference will cover latest developments in synthesis of 2D TMDs and their implementation in electronics, photonics, catalysis, as well as energy conversion and storage.

Registration fee includes the following:
•    Teas and coffees throughout the event plus lunch and evening
      meals (with drinks)
•    Dinner on Sunday
•    Lunch and Gala Dinner on Monday
•    Lunch and BBQ Dinner on Tuesday
•    Lunch and Dinner on Wednesday
•    Lunch on Thursday

Delegates will need to book their own accommodation if required. Please refer to the website for suggestions and updates:  https://2dtmds2025.com/ 

University of Cambridge Students and Staff, whose department will be covering the participation cost, please liaise with your finance team to trigger internal charging process. Please arrange a PO/Grant Code/Cost centre prior to registering. 

PO number, Grant Code, or Cost Centre is required to complete the registration.

Once arranged, please register under Category 3: UoC Student/Staff Registration: Internal cross-charge

Self-funding University of Cambridge Students and Staff, please select other relevant attendee category from options below.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Standard Registration - Academic£575.00[Read More]
2. Standard Registration - Students£375.00[Read More]
3. UoC Student/Staff Registration: Internal cross-charge£0.00[Read More]

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