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Industrial Sustainability

Industrial Sustainability

Sustainability Retreat 2025 - From History to the Future

Sustainability Retreat 2025 - From History to the Future


‘From History to the Future’ is our annual gathering of enthusiasts for industrial sustainability.  Our programme is structured around the need for Industrial Transformation to happen at scale and speed with an extra focus on Regenerative Manufacturing.  The agenda is flexible and will also offer opportunities to meet participants’ needs.
This is a programme about the future and sprinting into it with purpose for what the planet needs most.  We want participants to think about their impact, their careers and their PhDs within this context and make the most of this time set aside for conversations and exploration.  Part of the time will be spent tackling specific issues to allow our thinking to move to reality (we will be leading sessions on Regenerative Manufacturing, for example), and some of the time will be spent discussing how we cope as individuals.  

The cost for anyone who is not CIS staff or CIS student/researcher is £68.00 per person per night.  You will be asked to select your preferred night(s) as you progress in the registration process.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. CIS Staff£0.00[Read More]
2. CIS current PhD student/researcher£0.00[Read More]
3. Other Associate£0.00[Read More]

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