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A Level Study Day

A Level Study Day

A Level Study Day, 24 March 2025

A Level Study Day, 24 March 2025


Year 12 and 13 students are invited to the Faculty of Divinity for a Religious Studies study day with guest speaker, Libby Ahluwalia, teacher, syllabus developer, examiner, trainer and author of several acclaimed GCSE and A level textbooks. The event is intended primarily for Sixth Form students studying Religious Studies, as well as those who have a strong interest in theology, religion, and philosophy of religion who may be considering studying these subjects at university. This event would be particularly beneficial for students aiming for high (A/A*) grades.

NOTE: For applicants seeking a funded place, please visit our website for details on how to apply https://www.divinity.cam.ac.uk/level-study-day

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Student Registration£15.00[Read More]
2. Teacher Registration£15.00[Read More]

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