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Targeted Emails 2024/25 - International Payment

Careers Service Logo

Amount (£)


Payment should only be made once confirmation of your targeted email package has been agreed with the Employer Engagement Team.

Please enter the total amount you have been advised to pay.


Detailed Description

To send a targeted email you should first complete a targeted email request form and agree the cost of the quote we have sent you. If you have not already done this, please visit our website. 

Up to 250 recipients = £70
251 - 500 = £140
501 - 750 = £210
751 - 1000 = £290
1001 - 1250 = £360
1251 - 1500 = £430
1501 – 2000 = £500

Refund Policy: Non-Refundable

If you have any queries, please email employers@careers.cam.ac.uk 


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