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Wildlife Trust BCN Offer - Annual Joint Gift Friends of the Botanic Garden Membership

Gift Annual Joint Membership



Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust Member Offer

Gift annual joint membership subscription to the Friends of the Botanic Garden.

Friends enjoy:
- Free admission
- Exclusive events, trips, tours and talks
- Regular updates and news from the Garden

If you plan to give this gift before receiving the membership card(s) in the post, please give a printed copy of the confirmation email to the recipient, for them to bring to one of our ticket offices when they visit the Garden.

Please note, it may take up to 2 weeks (and 4 weeks at busy times) to receive a membership card.

Children aged 0-16 can visit the Garden for FREE and do not therefore require a membership card, however they will need to be accompanied by an adult at all times.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.


Detailed Description

We advise creating an online account before you start your Friends membership purchase. Once you have your account and have successfully logged in, please start your purchase with all the information that you need to hand.

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