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Drosophila Microinjection: UK Business, 20% Standard VAT Rate

Drosophila Microinjection: UK Business, 20% Standard VAT Rate

Amount (£)


Drosophila Microinjection services provided by the Department of Genetics Fly Facility (https://www.flyfacility.gen.cam.ac.uk/)


Detailed Description

Please enter the total cost of your microinjection work including 20% VAT. Our microinjection service prices inclusive of VAT are on our website:


Alternatively, if we have provided a quotation for this work, the cost including VAT will be on the quotation. If you are unsure about the total cost of your service, please contact Simon Collier (s.collier@gen.cam.ac.uk)

Our microinjection service users submit their requests using our Microinjection Request Form. Please only pay for the work submitted on a single request form in any one credit card transaction. Please do not combine requests

At the end of the payment process we will ask for the name of the person who submitted the original Microinjection Request Form as well as their department and institution affiliation. Please provide this information, it will allow us to confidently match your payment to a specific microinjection request.

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