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Ignite 2025

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Event Information

Ignite 2025
Dates of Event
6th July 2025 – 11th July 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
31st May 2025


Ignite is an intensive, one-week training programme for aspiring entrepreneurs and corporate innovators from the hi-tech and life sciences sectors. Comprised of a blend of practical teaching sessions delivered 
by our world-leading faculty, expert clinics, mentor sessions and advice from experienced entrepreneurs and innovators, it provides delegates with the tools, contacts and confidence to transform their ideas into successful business projects or ventures.

The programme structure enables support to be tailored to fit the individual business idea and to focus on specific issues such as investment readiness, and technical and market due diligence. Participants will end the week-long activity by presenting their idea to a panel of experts and obtaining real-time
feedback. Contributors during the week include founders of global technology companies and venture capital firms.

Earlybird discount is available to registrations received by 31 March.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Standard Registration: UoC affiliated delegates£1300.00

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