Anglo Saxon Norse & Celtic PublicationsQuick Find: ASNC Guides, Texts, and Studies (2 items) | ASNC Manuscript Studies (2 items) | Basic Texts For Brittonic History (4 items) | Basic Texts for Gaelic History (1 item) | E.C. Quiggin Memorial Lectures (25 items) | H.M. Chadwick Lectures (31 items) | Kathleen Hughes Memorial Lectures (19 items) A Bibliography of Medieval Welsh Literature for Students - 4th EditionDescription2016 Paul Russell and Myriah Williams A Bibliography of Medieval Welsh Literature for Students 4th ed. 102pp. ISBN 9781909106116. Price: Postage:
Grammar for Medieval Languages: An IntroductionDescriptionASNC Guides, Texts and Studies volume 9 Author: Rebecca Shercliff This is part of the ASNC Guides, Texts, and Studies series ISBN 978-1-909-106390 Price: Postage per item: Abbreviations used in Insular Script before A.D. 850: Tabulation based on the work of W.M. LindsayDescription2004 David N. Dumville Abbreviations used in Insular Script before A.D. 850: Tabulation based on the work of W.M. Lindsay. 22 pp. ISBN 1-904708-08-0 Price: Postage:
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