Centre for Music PerformanceCentre for Music Performance: External Loans - Deposit Payment and Hire of Musical InstrumentDescriptionCentre for Music Performance External Loans - Deposit Payment and Hire of Musical Instrument Please enter the amount you have been advised to pay for the deposit, and if required, the amount to hire the instrument. Centre for Music Performance: UoC Students - Deposit Payment and Hire of Musical InstrumentDescriptionCentre for Music Performance University of Cambridge Students - Deposit Payment and Hire of Musical Instrument Please enter the amount you have been advised to pay for the deposit, and if required, the amount to hire the instrument. Centre for Music Performance: Sheet Music HireDescriptionPlease enter the amount you have been advised to pay for the hire of sheet music, and if required, the deposit amount as well. Format: Printed Contact information: CMP: SAMPLE PAGE 2DescriptionTBA Participation fee: £20.00 incl VAT DONATION: CMP: Symphony Chorus SubscriptionDescriptionMembership fee: £25.00 inclusive of VAT DONATION: Student: No need to donate anything unless you wish to. Non-student Member under 27 or over 65: £120.00 - minimum suggested additional donation. Non-student Member aged between 27 and 65: £150.00 - minimum suggested additional donation. Please choose one of the fixed donation buttons or click 'Other' to enter any different amount you wish to donate. NOTE: If you wish to pay membership fee and donate at the same time, select 'Membership Fee', click 'Add to Basket', then select the amount you wish to donate and click 'Add to Basket' again then proceed to checkout. |