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Mastering essential pre-university physical chemistry

Mastering essential pre-university physical chemistry


The Isaac Chemistry collection of problems, "Mastering Physical Chemistry", provides essential consolidation and revision of the fundamentals of AS and A2 level physical chemistry. Questions can be answered on isaacchemistry.org The site marks questions and the results are assembled for the student (and teacher, if required). A mapping of each problem set onto the relevant part of all major exam specifications is also provided. A pdf of the introduction, contents pages, exam mapping, and first two chapters is available free at isaacbooks.org

Books are sold (UK only) at cost price, £1.50 per copy, (+ pp £2.50 per book, UK 2nd class post) for orders of 1 or 2 books.

ISBN: 978-0-9572873-5-8

For 20 or more books (at £1.50 per copy and modest P&P), please order at isaacbooks.org

Mastering essential pre-university physical chemistry - UK Customers


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