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Cavendish Quantum Mechanics Primer

Cavendish Quantum Mechanics Primer


This primer takes able readers from their penultimate school year to well into the second year quantum mechanics course in physics at Cambridge University. It is not a textbook, but a primer introducing essential ideas, analytical skills and the solving of problems --- much in the style of the Cambridge physics course.

Chapters 1 - 3 expand the lectures given at the Senior Physics Challenge (http://www-spc.phy.cam.ac.uk), a Cambridge Physics development course for schools. Chapters 2 - 5 are also suitable for university courses.

Chapter 1 is available as a free sample. For this and for further details of the Primer, including details also of how to order in bulk, see http://www.cavendish-quantum.org.uk/

Chapter 1 revises essential school mathematics and classical physics used throughout this book and in higher physics generally. It also prepares for university entrance. Readers will find the required calculus and functions familiar, but will be guided to their use in solving physical problems. Such fluency and facility is essential for further study and for the transition to university.

Subsequent chapters explore ideas of confinement and uncertainty energies, atoms, pair production, tunnelling into forbidden regions, the quantum oscillator and the quantisation of strings and oscillations of fields, higher dimensions, particles in nano-structures, and quantum dynamics. Readers solve such problems in their full mathematical depth. Some problems are solved as examples, others have hints only.

Books are sold (UK only) at cost price, £1.50 per copy, (+ pp £2.50 per book, UK 2nd class post) for orders of 1 or 2 books.

ISBN: 978-0-9572873-0-3

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HOW TO SOLVE PHYSICS PROBLEMS is a practical guide to using your pre-university physics knowledge to create solutions for unfamiliar situations.

Combining hand-written answers with commentary, it illustrates the problem-solving processes involved, as well as highlighting the importance of good diagrams and clear, logical working. It also demonstrates how different methods can be used to arrive at the same solution, and how common mathematical tricks can be used across different areas of physics.

The problem-solving skills illustrated in this book will help you to solve physics problems on Isaac Physics and beyond, as well as problems in other spheres of life.

Books are sold (UK only) at cost price, £1.50 per copy, (+ pp £2.50 per book, UK 2nd class post) for orders of 1 or 2 books.

ISBN: 978-0-9572873-8-9

For 20 or more books (at £1.50 per copy and modest P&P), please order at isaacbooks.org

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Kapitza and MRC coffee

Kapitza and MRC coffee


Payments for coffee in the Kapitza and MRC buildings for OE and ME group members and visitors.

Price is per cup, please enter the number of cups you are paying for.

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Linking Concepts in Pre-University Physics

Linking Concepts in Pre-University Physics


This book has been written by members of the Isaac Physics Project working as a team. Together they bring considerable academic and educational experience to this book through their work in a variety of capacities in schools, colleges and at university.


Books are sold (UK only) at cost price, £1.50 per copy, (+ pp £2.50 per book, UK 2nd class post) for orders of 1 or 2 books.

For 20 or more books (at £1.50 per copy and modest P&P), please order at isaacbooks.org


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Mastering essential pre-university physical chemistry

Mastering essential pre-university physical chemistry


The Isaac Chemistry collection of problems, "Mastering Physical Chemistry", provides essential consolidation and revision of the fundamentals of AS and A2 level physical chemistry. Questions can be answered on isaacchemistry.org The site marks questions and the results are assembled for the student (and teacher, if required). A mapping of each problem set onto the relevant part of all major exam specifications is also provided. A pdf of the introduction, contents pages, exam mapping, and first two chapters is available free at isaacbooks.org

Books are sold (UK only) at cost price, £1.50 per copy, (+ pp £2.50 per book, UK 2nd class post) for orders of 1 or 2 books.

ISBN: 978-0-9572873-5-8

For 20 or more books (at £1.50 per copy and modest P&P), please order at isaacbooks.org

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Mastering essential pre-university physics

Mastering essential pre-university physics


The Isaac Physics collection of 70 skill sheets of problems, "Mastering Physics", provides essential consolidation and revision of the fundamentals of AS and A2 level physics. Questions can be answered on isaacphysics.org The site marks questions and the results are assembled for the student (and teacher, if required). The second edition has 3 more skills sheets and also "Developing problem solving skills" - an introduction to isaacphysics problem solving.

Books are sold (UK only) at cost price, £1.50 per copy, (+ pp £2.50 per book, UK 2nd class post) for orders of 1 or 2 books.

ISBN: 978-0-9572873-2-7

For  20 or more books (at £1.50 per copy and modest P&P), please order at isaacbooks.org

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Mastering GCSE Physics

Mastering GCSE Physics


The Isaac Physics GCSE collection of 62 sheets of problems, "Mastering GCSE Physics", provides essential consolidation and revision of the fundamentals of GCSE level physics. Written by A.C. Machacek & K.O. Dalby, with extra questions by R. Meikle, each section also has explanatory material. An on-line specification map makes the correspondence with all major exam boards. Questions can be answered on isaacphysics.org – questions are marked and results assembled for the student (and teacher, if required).

Books are sold (UK only) at cost price, £1.50 per copy, (+ pp £2.50 per book, UK 2nd class post) for orders of 1 or 2 books.

ISBN: 978-0-9572873-4-1

For 20 or more books (at £1.50 per copy and modest P&P), please order at isaacbooks.org

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Pre-University Mathematics for Sciences

Pre-University Mathematics for Sciences


The Isaac Maths book, "Pre-University Mathematics for Sciences 2nd Edition", has 4 chapters covering the algebra, numbers, functions, geometry and calculus topics covered on Isaac where they can be answered on-line at isaacmaths.org – questions are marked and results assembled for the student (and teacher, if required). The material provides essential training in the mathematics needed for A-level Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry, and extends to the first year at university in these subjects plus Engineering. The fifth chapter: Application to Sciences gives additional material with applications to sciences, some of which comes from the Isaac Physics extension problems collection.

Books are sold (UK only) at cost price, £1.50 per copy, (+ pp £2.50 per book, UK 2nd class post) for orders of 1 or 2 books.

ISBN: 978-1-8382160-7-8

For 20 or more books (at £1.50 per copy and modest P&P), please order at isaacbooks.org

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Step Into Physics

Step Into Physics


Step Into Physics will help you understand the ideas of secondary school physics and help build confidence in using those ideas. You will use your numeracy skills to build understanding of these physics concepts, giving you a good foundation for your future studies. The questions allow you to work the ideas out for yourself (with scaffolded support) and then apply these ideas to new situations. Each topic contains matched sets of questions for classwork and homework. All answers can be checked at isaacphysics.org.

Books are sold (UK only) at cost price, £1.50 per copy, (+ pp £2.50 per book, UK 2nd class post) for orders of 1 or 2 books.

For 20 or more books (at £1.50 per copy and modest P&P), please order at isaacbooks.org

ISBN: 978-1-8382160-8-5


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Step Up to GCSE Physics (Dr Anton Machacek)

Step Up to GCSE Physics (Dr Anton Machacek)


STEP UP TO GCSE PHYSICS will equip you with the mathematical skills and conceptual understanding you need to prepare for your GCSE studies in physics. You will take the science ideas you have already met to a deeper level and be given an introduction to new concepts essential for GCSE. You will find questions which enable you to master the essential principles and also challenges to develop your problem-solving capability. Notes and examples are given to assist you, and there is an extensive bank of questions to consolidate whole topics, starting with calculation practice using each equation.

Books are sold (UK only) at cost price, £1.50 per copy, (+ pp £2.50 per book, UK 2nd class post) for orders of 1 or 2 books.

For 20 or more books (at £1.50 per copy and modest P&P), please order at isaacbooks.org

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Using Essential GCSE Mathematics

Using Essential GCSE Mathematics


You can use Using Essential GCSE Mathematics book to practise your GCSE maths for Foundation and Higher levels. The book is intended to be especially useful to help develop your maths skills for other subjects, and you will also find it a good resource if you are beginning A levels in subjects that use maths. Each new topic begins with a note of what you need to know, and at least one example of using the principles. The questions which follow begin with straightforward applications and then become more complicated as you go through the exercise. Most of all, the book will allow you to be an independent learner, so don’t be put off if something is new for you: read the notes and try the questions!

Books are sold (UK only) at cost price, £1.50 per copy, (+ pp £2.50 per book, UK 2nd class post) for orders of 1 or 2 books.

For 20 or more books (at £1.50 per copy and modest P&P), please order at isaacbooks.org

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Impulse – Entrepreneurship Programme

Impulse – Entrepreneurship Programme

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Maxwell Centre

Maxwell Centre Hot Beverages

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