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Step Up to GCSE Physics (Dr Anton Machacek)

Step Up to GCSE Physics (Dr Anton Machacek)


STEP UP TO GCSE PHYSICS will equip you with the mathematical skills and conceptual understanding you need to prepare for your GCSE studies in physics. You will take the science ideas you have already met to a deeper level and be given an introduction to new concepts essential for GCSE. You will find questions which enable you to master the essential principles and also challenges to develop your problem-solving capability. Notes and examples are given to assist you, and there is an extensive bank of questions to consolidate whole topics, starting with calculation practice using each equation.

Books are sold (UK only) at cost price, £1.50 per copy, (+ pp £2.50 per book, UK 2nd class post) for orders of 1 or 2 books.

For 20 or more books (at £1.50 per copy and modest P&P), please order at isaacbooks.org

Step Up to GCSE Physics - UK Customers


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