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Department of Engineering

Cambridge Simulation Glasses – Multi user pack of 50 glasses


Cambridge Simulation Glasses - Multi user pack of 50 glasses - all UK customers



This product is for all UK customers. This pack of 50 glasses costs £150, which includes DHL delivery and VAT. Delivery takes up to 12 working days from receipt of order.

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Cambridge Simulation Glasses - Multi user pack of 50 glasses - Rest of World



This product is for all customers from outside the UK. Postage and packing costs an additional £20 per order (for any worldwide destination, and for any quantity of glasses and/or gloves). Delivery is by DHL, which takes up to 12 working days from receipt of order. Customers from outside the UK do not have to pay VAT, but local importation taxes may be applied before the items will clear customs.
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Cambridge Simulation Glasses - Single user pack of 5 glasses


Cambridge Simulation Glasses - Single user pack of 5 glasses - all UK customers



This product is for all UK customers. This pack of 5 glasses costs £29, which includes DHL delivery and VAT. Delivery takes up to 12 working days from receipt of order.
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Cambridge Simulation Glasses - Single user pack of 5 glasses - Rest of World



This product is for all customers from outside the UK. Postage and packing costs an additional £20 per order (for any worldwide destination, and for any quantity of glasses and/or gloves). Delivery is by DHL, which takes up to 12 working days from receipt of order. Customers from outside the UK do not have to pay VAT, but local importation taxes may be applied before the items will clear customs.
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Cambridge Simulation Gloves - Large Pair


Cambridge Simulation Gloves - Large Pair - all UK customers



Version 2 of these simulation gloves is easier to put on, and now available in Small and Large sizes.

This product is for all UK customers. The price includes DHL delivery and VAT. Delivery takes up to 12 working days from receipt of order.
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Cambridge Simulation Gloves - Large Pair - Rest of World



This product is for all customers from outside the UK. Postage and packing costs an additional £20 per order (for any worldwide destination, and for any quantity of gloves and/or glasses). Delivery is by DHL, which takes up to 12 working days from receipt of order. Customers from outside the UK do not have to pay VAT, but local importation taxes may be applied before the items will clear customs.

Version 2 of these simulation gloves is easier to put on, and is available in Small and Large sizes.
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Cambridge Simulation Gloves - Small Pair


Cambridge Simulation Gloves - Small Pair - all UK customers



Version 2 of these simulation gloves is easier to put on, and now available in Small and Large sizes.

This product is for all UK customers. The price includes DHL delivery and VAT. Delivery takes up to 12 working days from receipt of order.
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Cambridge Simulation Gloves - Small Pair - Rest of World



This product is for all customers from outside the UK. Postage and packing costs an additional £20 per order (for any worldwide destination, and for any quantity of gloves and/or glasses). Delivery is by DHL, which takes up to 12 working days from receipt of order. Customers from outside the UK do not have to pay VAT, but local importation taxes may be applied before the items will clear customs.

Version 2 of these simulation gloves is easier to put on, and is available in Small and Large sizes.
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CBL Term Coffee Contributions

CBL Term Coffee Contributions


Termly contributions for CBL Coffee

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Div. F - Control Group Coffee Contributions

Div. F - Control Group Coffee Contributions


Department of Engineering:  Division F - Control Group

Payment for Nespresso capsules.

This option is for individual who prefers to pay by card. Cash payment option is still available.

1x Nespresso coffee capsule = £0.30

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Embodied Intelligence 2025: Voluntary Contributions

Embodied Intelligence 2025: Voluntary Contributions


This free event brings together a wide range of speakers to discuss the many challenges and opportunities in Embodied Intelligence research. The conference is structured with a morning session and afternoon session each day to accommodate different time zones. Each session includes plenary talks, panel discussions (including flash talks by leading researchers), and breakout sessions as shown in the tentative programme here. While plenary and panel speakers are invitation-only, we solicit wider contributions in breakout sessions to facilitate more focused and technical discussions.

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The First 150 Years

Cambridge Engineering The First 150 Years



Cambridge Engineering The First 150 Years

Cambridge Engineering: The First 150 Years takes the reader on a journey that starts with the genesis of engineering as an academic discipline, leads to the creation of the Department in 1875, and looks forward to its plans for the 150th anniversary in 2025. The history is told through the extraordinary lives of engineering leaders, who fought through the initial derision of other disciplines to take the faculty from a workshop in a wooden hut to stand as the largest department in the University. The narrative comes right up to date with stories from the latest research and its positive impact on the world. The book concludes with the vision for Cambridge Engineering as it moves to its new state-of-the-art home at West Cambridge and takes a global lead in redefining the discipline. Richly illustrated with images from past and present, the book will appeal not only to alumni, but to anyone, old or young, who is ready to explore how engineering has changed the world and dream how it will drive further revolutions.

We are unable to despatch this book to you, it is for collection only at the address below.

Collection from:
Main Reception
Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge
Trumpington Street

If you have any questions about the book please email:
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Module 4M9 Student Contribution

Module 4M9 Student Contribution



Contribution toward Survey Module 4M9
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Embodied Intelligence Conference 23 Proceedings Fee

Embodied Intelligence Conference 23 Proceedings Fee



IOP Access to 2023 Embodied Intelligence publications
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Embodied Intelligence Conference 24: Proceedings Fee

Embodied Intelligence Conference 24: Proceedings Fee



IOP Access to 2024 Embodied Intelligence publications

Veronica Egorova
E-mail: embodied-intelligence@eng.cam.ac.uk
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MET Overseas Research Project Student Contribution (2019-2020) - £50

MET Overseas Research Project Student Contribution (2019-2020) - £50



The student contribution of £50 towards the MET 2019-2020 Overseas Research Project.
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