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Faculty of Divinity

Faculty of Divinity




Noesis is the annual review of the Graduate Society for the Study of Philosophical Theology and Systematics at the Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge.

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Cost Paper Copy:
Volume 8: £5.00
Volume 6: £5.00
Volume 5: £2.00
Volume 4: £2.00
Volume 3: £2.00
Volume 2: £2.00
Volume 1: £2.00

Delivery to UK, Europe and Overseas:
Single volume: UK £1.50, Europe £4.00, overseas £5.00 

CUD: Free delivery to any college or building within the University of Cambridge.

Collection in person: Free to collect next day from the office at the Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge.

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Faculty of Divinity

Visiting Scholar Bench Fees - Academic Rate

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Faculty of Divinity

Visiting Student Bench Fees

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Please enter the amount you have been advised to pay by the Faculty Administrator. Termly rate for visiting students to the Faculty of Divinity.
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