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Cambridge Neuroscience Seminar, 8 April 2025

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Cambridge Neuroscience
Date of Event
8th April 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
8th May 2025


You are invited to attend the 35th annual Cambridge Neuroscience Seminar - CNS2025: ‘Expanding the Horizons of Brain Research’ on Tuesday April 8th 2025 at Queens' College.

CNS2025 will be interdisciplinary and far reaching in its breadth. We have an incredible programme with invited plenary speakers Professors Mayank Mehta (UCLA) and Soyon Hong (UCL). In addition to that our Cambridge speakers range from 7 different departments and span the breadth of neuroscience research at Cambridge Neuroscience. We are taking this meeting to revisit our six themes - we have presentations on early brain development, animal models and addiction, remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis, fly connectomes, computational modelling in pain and understanding speech, homo cybernetics, human brain imaging, neuronal plasticity during life changing events, resilience in neurodegeneration, psychosis and the use of psychedelics,....and that is not even the whole programme!

This meeting will be open to neuroscientists of every discipline! You will be able to present a poster/data blitz on any of the themes of Cambridge Neuroscience - learning from each other is key. We have an excellent programme of speakers confirmed and you will be invited to attend the conference dinner following the meeting in the Old Hall of Queens' College (additional charge will apply and places are limited).

Attendee CategoryCost   
B: Cambridge Neuroscientists: Emeritus Member£65.00

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