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Zine making 13 Sep 2025

Zine making



Tutor: Grace Hailstone
Date: Saturday 13th September 2025
Time: 10:00 - 16:00
Cost: £85
Location: Classroom

A zine (pronounced "zeen") is a small, homemade booklet or magazine. They can be created to share ideas, art, stories, or interests. On this course we will discuss zine making and look at examples, then we will individually explore the Botanic Garden to take photos and do some sketching. Afterwards we will return to the Classroom for more drawing and discussion, and come up with our narrative for our zines. We will then make hand drawn or collaged zines together using cutting and folding techniques.


Detailed Description

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If you need to cancel your booking, please inform the Learning Office in writing as soon as possible at 1 Brookside, Cambridge CB2 1JE or email education@botanic.cam.ac.uk The cancellation is effective from the date that your written confirmation is received. If you cancel with more than 4 weeks' notice we will refund your balance less 20% to cover administration. For cancellations made with less than 4 weeks' notice we regret that we are unable to make any refund unless we can fill your place on the course. If we are able to fill your place we will refund your balance less 20% to cover administration.


Cambridge University Botanic Garden reserves the right to alter any part of the programme if necessary. We will only cancel courses after careful consideration, but reserve the right to do so under exceptional circumstances. In the event of a cancellation, participants will be informed in writing as soon as possible and course fees will be refunded in full.

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