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CIPIL Annual Spring Conference 2025 - Is AI transforming IP?

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Event Information

CIPIL Annual Spring Conference 2025 - Is AI transforming IP?
Date of Event
29th March 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
27th March 2025


For the last few years, lots of attention has been paid to AI and IP. The Supreme Court has already considered whether AI can be regarded as an inventor. There is also on-going litigation, in various jurisdictions, on whether training AI systems with copyright material infringes  copyright, in what circumstances the outputs might infringe; as well as when, if at all, AI generated content, designs or other outputs might be protected by intellectual property rights and, if so, for whose benefit. 

While these are important questions, of course, that involve the application of the existing understandings of the law to new factual scenarios, this conference moves beyond them to focus on: (i) what AI reveals about existing law; and (ii) how AI might be changing IP, altering the legal tests with which we have become familiar, as well as the assumptions that underlie them – and what the implications might be. 

Please note that photos may be taken at the conference for publication (including online) and audio-visual recording may also take place (though questions and discussions taking place after the presentations will be removed before publication). A list of participant names and affiliations may also be distributed. If you have any questions or concerns, please email: cipil@law.cam.ac.uk .

University of Cambridge Staff/Student, whose department will be covering the participation fee, please liaise with your finance team to trigger internal charging process. Please arrange a PO/Grant Code/Cost centre prior to registering. 

Once arranged, please register under Category 4: UoC Staff/Student Registration: Internal cross-charge.  

Self-funding University of Cambridge Staff/Student, please select other relevant attendee category from options below.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Standard Registration£130.00

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