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Language Endangerment: Language Contact and the Community, 9 July 2025


Event Information

Date of Event
9th July 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
25th June 2025


Languages become endangered where their speakers are in contact with other speech varieties which are considered to carry greater social prestige. Research in this area has revealed these situations often bring about linguistic changes in the structure of one or more of these varieties. This conference invites papers that reflect on these issues: How are the structures of an  endangered language affected by contact? Are there particular kinds of variation and change that are more likely to occur in endangered languages? What kind of structural innovations might new speakers introduce in contexts of revitalization and how should these be incorporated in the documentation of these varieties? What methodological approaches are appropriate for the investigation of variation in contact-induced language change in endangered varieties? What are the attitudes of speakers towards variation and change in speech communities where a language is endangered, and do those attitudes have any bearing on language practices?

We regret that we cannot offer the possibility of virtual participation at the conference.

Please note that all bookings and payment have to be made via this website. We regret that there is no provision for delegates to pay on the day. 

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Standard Registration£30.00[Read More]
2. External Student/Self-funded UoC Student Registration£25.00[Read More]

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