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Canine Genetics Centre

Canine Genetics Centre

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Canine Genetics Research Day, 21 March 2025


The Canine Genetics Centre is hosting a research day, on March 21st, 10am – 4pm.

Join us at the West Hub, University of Cambridge, to hear talks about the research that the Canine Genetics Centre is doing, to investigate inherited diseases in dogs and develop a better understanding of how to diagnose, prevent and treat disease in future generations.

The day will include several presentations by members of the Canine Genetics Centre, each of which will be followed by a Q&A session.

We will also be awarding the inaugural Friends of the CGC Health and Welfare Award. The winner(s) will be chosen from nominations made by Friends of the CGC, to people who makes a positive impact on the health and/or welfare of dogs. 

Places are limited to 90, so book now to avoid disappointment.

Regisration fee includes refreshments i.e. tea, coffee, and sandwich lunch.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Registration Fee£20.00[Read More]

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