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Keeping a sketchbook: Drawing the Garden - 26 April 2025

Drawing, Painting & Photography



Tutor: Karin Eklund
Date: Saturday 26th April 2025
Time: 10:00 - 16:00
Cost: £85
Location: Classroom

Keeping a sketchbook is the best habit an artist can have. The more you draw from reality the easier it will be to develop your own style and compositions. Using the Garden and Glasshouse Range as your starting points, Karin will give creative prompts to introduce new materials and techniques throughout the course: looking carefully at plants, drawing from observation and gradually introducing elements of imagination, memory and found materials. The day will start with a short introductory talk introducing examples of botanical drawings from art history and by contemporary artists. Through these examples, we will gain inspiration and be given a focus and theme for the session before heading out in the Garden. It is up to you how you interpret and develop your ideas. You can expect a joyful, creative and explorative approach set in a friendly and informative atmosphere.


Detailed Description

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If you need to cancel your booking, please inform the Learning Office in writing as soon as possible at 1 Brookside, Cambridge CB2 1JE or email education@botanic.cam.ac.uk The cancellation is effective from the date that your written confirmation is received. If you cancel with more than 4 weeks' notice we will refund your balance less 20% to cover administration. For cancellations made with less than 4 weeks' notice we regret that we are unable to make any refund unless we can fill your place on the course. If we are able to fill your place we will refund your balance less 20% to cover administration.


Cambridge University Botanic Garden reserves the right to alter any part of the programme if necessary. We will only cancel courses after careful consideration, but reserve the right to do so under exceptional circumstances. In the event of a cancellation, participants will be informed in writing as soon as possible and course fees will be refunded in full.

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