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VetCam 2025

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Event Information

VetCam 2025
Dates of Event
7th April 2025 – 9th April 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
24th March 2025


This two and a half day residential course is designed to give Year 11 and 12 students an insight into studying veterinary medicine in general and also to show the unique benefits of the Cambridge course through a mixture of lectures, discussions, practical demonstrations and tours of the preclinical departments and clinical areas.

Places will be limited to 50 on first-come-first-served basis, and it would be sensible to encourage only likely A/A*-grade candidates to attend.  Please note that Chemistry A level (or equivalent) is mandatory, and we strongly recommend two other science subjects, normally Biology, Physics or Maths. 

Participants will stay overnight in St Catharine’s’ College for a taste of life as a Cambridge undergraduate.  Please note rooms will be using shared bathroom facilities.    

Attendee CategoryCost   
Student Registration WAIT LIST ONLY£340.00[Read More]

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